Thursday 13 March 2014

Dying can be fun (Or stepping out in Dark Souls),

I bought Demon Souls purely on a whim, I knew nothing about it but something told me to buy it. Its fair to say it rewrote the RPG rulebook with its fresh ideas and crushing difficulty. I. LOVED. IT. Likewise Dark Souls.
So it was with great expectation and some excitement (yes I'm a geek) that I picked up Dark Souls 2 yesterday. 3 characters in and I've found the class I will be sticking with. Step forward Dutch the mighty warrior.
Because it's my blog (and I can write whatever I damn well please) most of my posts will be around the exploits of Dutch, however as this is my first ever attempt at blogging this may change (I know.....exciting stuff).
My first step was to light as many sconces as I could before my torch ran out and venture into the large tree trunks all around me. So far so good, I'm slaying the admittedly weak prey on offer and slowly building up Souls. Thus far I've levelled up 4 times, found the Blacksmiths key and upgraded my broken sword to broken sword+1. From my 1st play with Dutch the Knight I know that the enemies in first section of the Giants Forest do not respawn indefinitely so my current focus is on collecting as many souls as possible and then to start looking at better weapons and armour.
I had an unfortunate encounter with a cyclops on an early playthrough and I've learnt to steer clear of the weird pig things in the central hub so as we stand my death count with Dutch is zero. There's still a lot of unanswered questions in the village hub (deep well, locked doors, unmovable mechanisms and a statue that may turn into a person) but that is the fun of Dark Souls.
Dutch is calling so its back to the action and to cram in as many hours as I can before next weeks glut of games find themselves vying for my attention (FF HD, Metal Gear and Second Son).